Persica Centropa:
Cosmopolitan Artefacts and Artifices in the Age of Crises,
FWF Elise Richter Programme (V-995)
Project Leader: Dr. Yuka Kadoi
Scientific Assistant: Anton Matejicka
PERSICA CENTROPA seeks to redefine what used to be called ‘Persian art’—cultural artefacts that became predominantly associated with medieval and early-modern Iran and West Central Asia—while reframing it as an alternative narrative of aesthetic thinking that evolved in Central Europe during the first half of the twentieth century. Spanning from the declining years of the Habsburg empire to the emergence of new nation states within its former territories after 1918 and the devastation of World War II, this four-year project maps out the network of collecting and interpreting Persian objects and images against a backdrop of the socio-political upheaval of a once-thriving cosmopolitan cultural region.
February 2024
We are pleased to announce the publication of Collecting Asian Art: Cultural Politics and Transcontinental Networks in 20th-century Central Europe, edited by Markéta Hánová, Yuka Kadoi and Simone Wille (Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2024). Available as Open-Access (Collecting Asian Art – Leuven University Press (
March 2025
"After 100 Years: The Past, Present and Future of Persian Art", The Elahé Omidyar Mir-Djalali Institute of Iranian Studies, University of Toronto, Friday 14 March 2025, 13:00 - 14:30 ET. Room 304, 4 Bancroft Ave, Toronto, ON, M5S 1C1 / zoom registration required: The Past, Present and Future of Persian Art | Elahé Omidyar Mir-Djalali Institute of Iranian Studies.
January 2025
PERSICA CENTROPA is delighted to announce that we have reached an important milestone for our pilot-project, "Ex libris Strzygowski, "How His Theory of World Arts was Formulated" (Ex Libris Strzygowski - Fachbereichsbibliothek Kunstgeschichte), having inventorised 1,000 off-prints in the first year. This project intends to make an inventory of the off-print collection from the library of the Vienna School Professor Josef Strzygowski (1862-1941), currently housed at the University of Vienna Library. To celebrate this milestone, we are planning an event to present a work-in-progress report at some point later this year.